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85 responses to “Contact

  1. Pingback: Why you should invest your EPF (KWSP) into Unit Trust « Prudential Malaysia Life Insurance

  2. Salam, sy ingin bertanya dgn lebih lanjut tentang pilihan dan informasi berkenaan investment program.

    Sila hubungi saya.

    Terima kasih.

  3. salam
    leh x cik introduce tentang prudential dgn lebih lanjut

  4. samantha yanagawa

    Dear sir
    I would like to find out about your health insurance plan, my children go to school here they have student visas. We will be here for the next three years so i would like to find out how much i would have to pay. I am also not sure if i can also be put on medical i have a guardian visa and i will be here as long as my son is here, my son is 15 years, and my grandson is 5 years, my daughter is 24, and me 43 if we allowed to join. Please get back to me as soon as possible . Thank you for your assitance.

  5. Akum..i’m a wealth planner from prudential kuching sarawak branch.I would like to have some tips from you how to close case on the spot and how to make a first approach to a prospect.What should i ask to the prospect that i don’t know for the first time to make him/her interested to know about our products.For your info i’ve been a wealth planner for 6mth.How do you handle with excuses from the prospect?
    Kindly please give advice..tq.

    • firdausprudential

      close case on the spot usually happen at booth. Dont rush to get client to sign up at first meet. Give them time. Make sure everything they need is printed for them. After presentation and don’t let your prospect go home without brochure and the note you written to them. Awareness about medical card is high today. the main problem is financially ready or not. Use own savings VS medical card comparison if they client have no idea on medical card at all.

      I use story below.

      Kenapa perlu medical card?

      Bermula dengan cerita Ahmad. Ahmad berumur 25 tahun dan seorang engineer di PJ. Gaji RM2500 sebulan. Cukup makan cukup pakai. Ahmad menyimpan RM500 sebulan untuk target kahwin
      5 tahun lagi. So akan ada RM30K 5 tahun kemudian.

      Cukup 5 tahun, Ahmad sudah ada RM30K. Tetiba hidup tidak seindah diduga. Ahmad mengalami tekanan darah tinggi. Berjumpa dengan doktor pakar, Ahmad memerlukan
      pembedahan untuk arteri. Arteri Ahmad tersumbat kerana kolestorol. Biasala orang bujang, asyik makan di mamak sahaja dan sibuk berkerja exercise pun kurang.

      Pembedahan memerlukan RM50K. Mana nak cari ya? Ahmad pun terpaksa keluarkan savings perkahwinannya RM30K. Dan berhutang dengan kawan kawan dan saudara mara RM20K.

      Alhamdullilah, semuanya ok. Tetapi kahwin tak dapat. Hidup sekarang berhutang. Ini yang anda mahu?

      Bagaimana jika ada medical card?

      Ahmad menyimpan RM300 untuk perkahwinan dan RM200 untuk insurance medical card. Cukup 5 tahun Ahmad ada RM18,000. Masalah pembedahan RM50K selesai dengan medical
      card. Medical card Ahmad mempunyai limit sebanyak RM750,000. Ahmad mendapat perubatan terbaik tanpa perlu risau berapa kos nya.

      Selesai pembedahan, Ahmad mampu melangsungkan perkahwinannya dengan RM18K. Cukup ke RM18K.

      RM200 sebulan yang Ahmad gunakan untuk medical card bukan sekadar bayaran. RM200 sebulan adalah sekali bersama simpanan dan pelaburan. 5 tahun bersama Prudential
      Ahmad mempunyai RM10K savings di dalam plan medical cardnya. Ahmad boleh mengeluarkan wang ini. RM18K + RM10K = RM28K 🙂

      Kahwin dapat. Sekarang dah sihat. Hutang pun takde 🙂

      Apa yang Ahmad dapat dengan RM200 sebulan bersama Prudential Medical Card plan?

      Pampasan RM100K jika berlaku kematian
      Pampasan RM100K jika mendapat salah satu daripada 36 penyakit kritikal * sila msg saya jika ingin tahu apa 36 penyakit kritikal
      Pampasan RM100K jika kematian disebabkan kemalangan atau cacat.

      Medical Card.

      Perlindungan sebanyak RM750,000 untuk bayaran perubatan.

      penyakit biasa seperti demam panas, h1n1, dengue, sakit mata, jatuh tangga, yang menyebabkan di hospitalkan. semua akan dicover bukan sekadar penyakit kronik.

      Ahmad juga akan mendapat RM300 sehari jika diwadkan kedalam hospital sebagai allowance. Contoh 7 hari = 7 x 300 = RM2100
      Allowance bukan untuk membayar bil. Ini adalah wang anda. Gunakan untuk doa selamat atau sebagainya.

      Jika mendapat Ahmad mendapat salah satu daripada 36 penyakit kritikal, Ahmad tidak perlu lagi membayar RM200 sebulan.
      Prudential akan bayarkan dan perlindungan Ahmad akan masih berterusan sehingga umur 80tahun.

      Prudential Medical Card plan adalah bersama savings dan pelaburan. Ahmad akan mempunyai RM150K apabila umur 55 tahun.
      simpanan ini flexible dan boleh dikeluarkan pada bila bila. Seperti Ahmad mengeluarkan RM12K pada umur 30tahun untuk perkahwinannya.

      Semua di atas ditulis di dalam policy document dan properly contracted as black and white. Ini adalah pelaburan terbaik dan selamat untuk anda semua.

  6. er….. sebulan bayar Rm 100 ker
    rasa nye aku nak juga bagus juga untuk keselamatan kepada diri sendiri
    lagi pun aku lum kawin aku cam citer kau tu tak de bajet kawin selalu pla utang ngan kawan
    kalau aku join cam na nak bayar cos?
    in bank ?

  7. berminat nak tahu ttg plan ni…tp sy dah ada insuran lain..blh ke ambik plan ni..

  8. Peter prudential

    hi firdaus…

    based on what u written on above..

    “Apa yang Ahmad dapat dengan RM200 sebulan bersama Prudential Medical Card plan?

    Pampasan RM100K jika berlaku kematian
    Pampasan RM100K jika mendapat salah satu daripada 36 penyakit kritikal * sila msg saya jika ingin tahu apa 36 penyakit kritikal
    Pampasan RM100K jika kematian disebabkan kemalangan atau cacat.

    Medical Card.

    Perlindungan sebanyak RM750,000 untuk bayaran perubatan………………. ”

    in our sqs quotation can provide so much benefits with premium RM200/month ??
    how u do it?

    • firdausprudential

      Age below 30 can get this Death Benefits RM100K, Critical Cover RM100K, Accidental Death & Disablement RM100K. Medical card PRUhealth Plan 200. Hospital benefits 200 per day. PRUmed 1 unit. Plus PRUpayour basic.

      Hope you clear on that.

  9. Peter prudential

    okok.. without adding other riders like AMR, W.I and prudisability… right?

    okok.. now i know… thanks

  10. I want to know about Takaful Health..

  11. assalamualaikum, tuan saya ingin tahu lebih lanjut berkenaan takaful health , tarikh lahir saya 11/01/1971 berapa yg kena bayar, tolong e-mail sebutharga .

  12. saya,nak mendapatkan medical card,bolehkah saya gunakan untuk sekeluarga

  13. hi, my friend told me that every medical card in malaysia is handle by asia assistant, isit true? or prudential medical card is handle by prudential malaysia berhad??

    • firdausprudential

      Hi. No sir.

      Prudential Medical Card is handle and manage by us. Thats why our medical card with no hassle. No third party company handling your cases and claims.

  14. Akum..Tq for your tips but you still don’t tell me how to approach a stranger for the 1st time. And also in kuching here people are still taking granted on having insurance for themselves and their reason is no budget and tight budget.How do you handle that situation?even though i explain to them very clearly on the importance of having insurance.First meeting they agree about our plan but when i follow up some of them again they change their mind of not taking it.How do you deal with that situation and how to convince them again because what we are dealing is a plan which can help people very much when they really need it most..

    • firdausprudential

      Hi, from my experience, awareness is high. but financially not ready. If you face this situation, i always ask them, RM100 cheaper or RM50K cheaper? Your client concern about financial, let the client think about the cost of hospital treatment nowadays. Fever admission for 3 days, RM1500. H1N1 for 3 days, RM3400. Dengue 14 days RM15K. Your client afford the cost of the treatment? With Prudential Medical Card RM100 per month, you will have hospital coverage of RM500K. Simple mathematics calculation with RM100 per month will take 416 years to achieve RM500K! So, the client is making good decision or not?

  15. salam,

    boleh saya dapatkan maklumat berkenaan takaful health dan quotatation sekali?tarikh lahir 14 april 1980…

  16. ok sorry,TQ

  17. saya akan email details ke email u later,TQ

  18. saya sudah lama berminat utk mgunakan medical card dr Prudential. boleh Firdaus tolong emelkan saya brochure mengenainya (dlm b.melayu) dan jadual bayaran mengikut umur asap. saya juga berminat sekiranya firdaus boleh terangkan sekali plan medical card untuk family. tqvm

  19. Hi, this website done by u or your company?? i like this site. Can i know if i want to join your group any condition?? wat’s requirement as part time or full time??

    • firdausprudential

      website design by me, content created by me, images created by me. please call me 017 589 9597 to be an agent, where u staying?



  21. hafizi bin halim

    normally u close cases pekerja gov mcm mana..??
    diaorg trlalu yakin dgn service gov kasi…

    • firdausprudential


      Government servant / kakitangan kerajaan di Malaysia mendapat benefits of special treatment in Hospital Kerajaan. As been told to me, they will be place under 1st class.

      1st class or no class, it is still Government Hospital (GH) , you need to queue and wait for your treatment. Yes, 1st class have the first priority in treatment and how many of government servant inside the 1st class?

      I tell you one story, my client is a Government servant . He signing up for his kids for Prudential Medical Card, but not for himself as he believed good service in GH hospital as he been promised to receive 1st class treatment in GH.

      One day he got sick, then warded. 1st class is full!. (Imagined how many Government Servant in Malaysia nowadays)

      1st class is full then he warded into normal class but his bed marked with a signage “1st Class” . Cramping up with all other beds, 7 bed in a row. He immediately call me up to sign up for himself and his wife 🙂

      He said to me, “Malu je, katil tanda 1st class, semua orang tgk i kat situ. “

  22. Boleh saya dapatkan maklumat mengenai berapa polisi insurans yang u ada?boleh bagi Maklumat Takaful health n quot….

  23. Hye ,sy berminat untuk menggunakan Medical Card dr Prudential. Bgaimana nak join.

  24. Im 29 and dont have any insurance other thn company group insurance and medical card.

  25. Im interested to get medical card n insurance 24/4/1981, female.

  26. salam… saya confuse tentang Prudential and PRUBSN…saya suka PRUBSN sebab islamic product tapi my fren told me that prudential yang konvesional lagi murah. say, saya dapat manfaat yang TH 100 dengan PRUBSN dengan monthly RM 150. Kalau dengan PRudential yang konvensional TH 100, berapa saya kena bayar premium…berapa perbezaan murahnya.

  27. Boleh x saya syorkan kepada saya plan insuran yang mana bagus untuk anak saya berumur 10 bulan dan 4 tahun. Ada x insuran yang cover untuk kecederaan ringan seperti jatuh atau demam.

    • firdausprudential

      PRUhealth Medical Card plan kecederaan ringan cover, jatuh longkang, jatuh basikal, apa apa jatuh cover.

      Demam panas, buang bisul, dengue, cirit birit, apa apa yang menyebabkan anda di hospitalkan akan cover.

  28. saya sudah lama berminat utk mgunakan medical card dr Prudential. boleh Firdaus tolong emelkan saya brochure mengenainya (dlm b.melayu) dan jadual bayaran mengikut umur utk anak saya umur 10 bulan & 4 tahun. saya juga berminat sekiranya firdaus boleh terangkan sekali plan medical card untuk family. tq

  29. Sila buat pengiraan medical card + saving utk;

    Husband – 23/6/1975 – 35 yrs (smoking)
    Wife – 24/3/1977 – 33 yrs
    Son – 14/2/2000 – 10 yrs
    Daughter – 7/10/2006 – 4 yrs

    Husband – IT Officer
    Wife – Sales Assistant
    (both in private sector)

    Saya juga ingin tahu, jumlah saving@individu bagi setiap tahun. Adakah ia boleh dikeluarkan pada bila2 masa atau ada tempoh, sila jelaskan. Juga adakah saya boleh keluarkan 100% jumlah saving?

    • firdausprudential

      saya akan kirakan secepat mungkin, maaf saya busy dengan appoinment latetly.

      savings boleh dikeluarkan pada bila bila masa dengan syarat, pengeluaran mesti melebihi RM1000 dan RM2000 must remain in balance.

  30. Can u help me to calculate a medical card plan?

    non smoker
    healthy condition

  31. bla kali pertama saya bertemu dengan prospect , yang baru sy kenal . Bagaimana nak mula kan dialog ? Prospect itu seorang yang agak susah didekati dan terlalu bangga diri . Dia seorang Business woman dan yakin diri . Saya ingin mengambil cabaran untuk approach dia tentang Prudential. How to start it ? Saya baru dalam bidang ini , cuma 2 bulan .

    • firdausprudential


      In what way you want to approach her? She know you? How you know her? All strangers is like that, me myself don’t want to talk to people that I don’t know and you want to share about life insurance/investment, i feel unsecured.

      Just introduce yourself as insurance agent and pass the card, straight forward and don’t be too friendly and warm. Nowadays people looking for professionalism and people know if somebody approaching with too friendly style, something is wrong and quickly try to go away.

      ask her she need any assistance on insurance, if she say no, then respect her decision and tell her to remember about you when she think of insurance. 🙂

      if she say yes, ask for her card and set appointment later. go back to office and call her, get some details and background check, ask her what she need . this to ensure your proposed plan is the best and perfect.

      this way, you will have no more disappointing appointment.

      new agent will grab any opportunity of any appointment can be made. client call up for an appointment and immediately say yes and go to appointment unprepared and don’t know what to expect. ending up you need to set another appointment with the client as you first appointment for information gathering purpose only. so it is a waste.

      in business cost profit is important. manage your time and cash properly.

  32. Boleh bg quotation , bg seorang baby umur 5 bulan lahir pada 21.9.2009. bpa kah premium bulanan bagi Prulink education plan ?

    Prulady bagi prospect umur 26 tahun genap pada 1.1.2010, RM50K, dan RM 75K?

    • firdausprudential

      PRUlink Education Plan , with PRUhealth or not?

      PRUlady under PRUlink Assurance Plan or PRUlady standalone?

  33. salam,
    bleh email quatation utk sy tak
    jun 1983

  34. i wanna be an agent..
    now,im renting at bdr baru ampng
    newly work
    t******** (my email)

  35. boleh emailkan info n quotation? tk.

    • firdausprudential

      Please provide me details as below

      1. Full Name
      2. Date of Birth
      3. Smoking or not
      4. Annual Income
      5. Contact Number
      6. Location
      7. Married/Single
      8. No of kids
      9. Occupation
      10. Travel a lot?

  36. i would like to know about the prudential. if u can convince me. i will be your next targeted client.

    i’m working at Universiti Sains Malaysia. do u have any agent in Penang Island?

    please contact me

    • firdausprudential

      Hi sir.

      It is good that you are interested in Prudential. Prudential is good brand and with good products. For me, knowledge of products is important, it is not how im convince you. It is how well the product convince you sir. End of the day, if I convince you to purchase the product, but you didn’t know much about the product, we will have problem sir. Life insurance is whole life product, that’s mean our relationship is whole life. Whatever been told today is a promise and going to be use when needed later (in few days, weeks or years)

      Sorry, I dont have agent in Pulau Pinang, but I can come over to Penang and explain the plan to you sir.


    gd afternoon mr firdaus,
    im a 23 years old gal who dont have any ins coverage yet… im looking for coverage for myself which will cover everything for me… im looking for it for the past 6 months , but i dont know which is suits me… i badly need ur help to choose the best coverage for me in this age… im working, use to travel a lot by bike n car.. since im a contract staff my company also didnt provide me any medical coverage for me… i heard abt prudential frm one of my fren.. he suggest me to take ins coverage with prudential.. since i dont know any agent frm prudential, seeking for ur assistance nw..
    thank you…

    • firdausprudential


      23 is very young age, you will get lots of benefits will small amount of premium. Please check your email

  38. assalamualaikum
    saya bumur 33 thn ingin bty adakah prudential myediakn pbayaran utk sethn dn bagaimana pbayaran dpt dilakukan dn blh x encik firdaus mceritakn serba sedikit tentang insurance ini terima kasih.

    • firdausprudential

      Ya, ada bayaran tahunan.

      Pembayaran cash ke kaunter prudential, M2U, cheque, credit card.

      Sila check email anda.

  39. salam..

    nak tanya i dh ader conventional prduential insurans since 2006. plan to change takaful prudential asap . boleh tolong since i plan to change my agent too..

  40. Salam, Hi Firdaus,

    I am interested to be as agent of Prudential. Could you advise me what is the requirement and etc…

    Thanks and regards,

  41. salam..

    saya berminat nak ambil medical untuk saya (28 tahun) dan anak saya (10 bulan)..boleh tolong emelkan details pasal pelan ni..thanks

  42. plz bagi detail pasal pru my dgr paling min rm60 mnthly.plz bagi detail in b.m..n ble ke bersalin di hospital panel /tq.asap.

    • firdausprudential

      Ya paling murah RM60. Tapi kos bersalin tidak dicover. Tiada insurance yang cover kos bersalin. Bersalin bukan risiko. Bersalin adalah rezeki. Jika ada saya sudah beli dulu 🙂

  43. tlg forward saya quot utk saya (lady) – with Medical Card

    age: 25th
    monthly : rm200

  44. lupa…. awal tadi ada terbaca, bayaran RM80 utk adult, dan rm60 utk kekanak. Itu untuk umur brapa? Cozzzz… anak saya umur lahir June 2009, adik saya lahir Ogos 1989. Boleh tak fit dengan amount tu per month? tlg forwatd sebutharga u. Tapi saya nak takaful kalau boleh. Kalau tak boleh, tak pa contional. Better bagi 2 2 lah. Nak tengok mana yg ok. …By the way, blog u menarik.

    • firdausprudential

      kanak kanak maknanya bawah 18. Adik lahir 1989 bukan kanak kanak lagi. Dah umur 21 tahun.

      Takaful dan Conventional sama sahaja benefits.. Tidak perlu perbandingan.

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